Provided by PCOM Library
Access to these tools is provided by the PCOM Library. You may need to set up a personal account to use some resources.
Contact us if you need assistance.
- Access Medicine/MyAccessThe MyAccess portal is your gateway to the McGraw-Hill Access products provided by the Library (Access Medicine, Access Pharmacy, etc.). Register for a MyAccess profile to use the AccessMedicine app.
- AnatomyTVSearch your app store for "primal pictures ltd" and download the module that you need. To use an AnatomyTV module, go to the website through the link above. Select the module on the that you want to use. This will open the corresponding app and bypass the request for a login/password.
- Annual ReviewsAnnual Reviews provides a variety of journals in the biomedical sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences.
- AquiferAquifer contains case-based clinical simulations designed to develop clinical reasoning and self-directed learning and self-assessment skills. Register for an account before accessing the app.
- BMJ Best PracticeTo use the mobile app, register for a personal account by visiting the BMJ Best Practice homepage. Use the account information you set up to log in to the app.
- BoardVitalsUsers can access content, including assignments, any time, anywhere. All performance and quiz data syncs between the website and mobile app for a seamless experience. Offline access also allows users to download quizzes so they can study when it is most convenient for them, even without internet access. Use your BoardVitals account information to sign in to the app.
- BrowZineBrowZine lets you find, read, and share articles, as well as create lists of your favorite journals. Use BrowZine to notify you when new articles are published in journals you follow. Open the app and select our school from the list provided. Log in with your PCOM username and password. To access your personal BrowZine account, go to Settings and tap "BrowZine Account" at the top of the screen.
- ClinicalKey MobileFrom the library ClinicalKey page, create/register for an account--top right. Then follow directions from the mobile link.
- Clinical Pharmacology MobileTo log in: under the username and password fields, select "OpenAthens and Institutional Login". Search for Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, and scroll down to select the institution. Log in with your PCOM username and password.
- DiagnosaurusUse Diagnosaurus through AccessMedicine's responsive website, no app needed.
- Draw It To Know ItRegister for a personal account to save your progress and create study plans.
When completing the registration form:
1. In the Institutional Dropdown, select your school.
2. In the email field, enter your institutional email address - DynaMedProvides evidence-based, clinically-organized summaries based on reviews of over 500 core clinical journals and systematic review databases. Register for a personal account on the Dynamed home page, then download the app from your app store.
- Harrison's PodclassThis podcast covers key internal medicine concepts using board-style vignettes featured in Harrison's Self-Assessment and Board Review. Find this podcast at Access Medicine, or download it through iTunes or Apple's Podcast app.
- IBM mobileMicromedexTo download, use the link above, and click/tap the "Download Mobile Apps" button below the Resources box. Follow the access instructions for the module you want to use. For academic and educational use only.
- IsabelIsabel Installation Instructions
Clincial Pharmacology Installation Instructions
From a desktop browser, go to the Isabel home page. Click/tap the “Mobile Access” link at the top of the screen.
Make a note of the mobile access login details.
From your mobile browser, go to the Isabel home page. Tap “Login” and enter the mobile access username and password that you made a note of. Tap the check box next to “Remember me” to have your browser save the credentials.
Contact your campus library if you have any questions or need assistance in obtaining login details
- Lexidrug Mobile (formerly known as Lexicomp)Submit the linked form to receive registration information and app installation instructions.
- Primal's 3D Anatomy QuizTo login to the 3D Anatomy Quiz app, follow these instructions:
1. Select “Existing Anatomy tv login” on the Access Options menu
2. Select "OpenAthens" (one of the green arrows) on the login screen.
3. Locate PCOM in the "Find Your Institution" search bar.
4. Enter your OpenAthens credentials to begin using the app. - Sanford GuideFrom the Sanford Guide home page click or tap "Register for the app here", and then follow the prompts to create a personal account. After you have created your account, download the app from your app store, and log in using your Sanford username and password.
- Solstice**Philadelphia campus only
Download this app to your mobile device or laptop to connect your device to the Collab monitor without a cable. - STAT!RefSTAT!Ref Activation/Renewal Instructions
STAT!Ref Activation/Renewal Instructions
You will need to create an individual My STAT!Ref account to use the app while off-campus. Once you have signed up and successfully logged in, enable off-campus access by selecting the Temporary Login Account tab. Click the box next to “I‘m not a robot” and then click Activate/Renew.
After activation, you will be able to use your My STAT!Ref to directly access STAT!Ref content either through the STAT!Ref app or website.
To renew your MY STAT!Ref account, sign in to your My STAT!Ref account through the PCOM Network and follow the activation directions above.
Contact your campus library if you have any questions or need assistance with setting up your My STAT!Ref account or enabling remote access.
- UpToDateTo use the UpToDate app, follow these steps:
1. Download the most current version of the UpToDate app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
2. Select "OpenAthens Log In" on the app's login screen.
3. Locate PCOM in the "Find Your Institution" search bar.
4. Enter your OpenAthens credentials to begin using the app. - VisualDxFrom the VisualDx home page, click or tap "Get the Mobile App", then select "Create a Personal VisualDx Account". After you have created your account, download the app from your app store, and log in using your VisualDx username and password.
- Wall Street JournalTo use the WSJ app, register for a personal account. Then use your username and password to sign in to the app.
- Mango LanguagesMango teaches learners to think critically in a new language and retain what they’ve learned.
Download the Mango Languages app from your app store. Create an account, and log in to the app using that account.