A Guide to Funding Resources discusses funding and grants, and answers questions about the funding process.
The Guide identifies and links to searchable databases that offer funding opportunities from government and/or private sources that are available to local governments, community organizations, and individuals.
It also links to full-text, online guides and tips to assist grant writers prepare successful proposals.
The Funding Process
The process of grantsmanship covers a broad scope of activities including preliminary planning and research, proposal development, and proposal follow-up. Through this process, three questions are commonly asked by grantseekers. The following discussion addresses these questions and provides useful information for grantseekers in search of funding dollars.
Where does the money come from? The two primary sources of grant money are public and private funds. Public funds are obtained from governmental units, such as federal, state, and local agencies. Private funds, on the other hand, come from organizations involved in charitable giving, such as foundations, direct giving programs, voluntary agencies, and community groups.
Federal Funding
The Federal government is the largest of all the grantmakers. However, much of the federal grant budget moves to the states through formula and block grants. From there it is up to the states to decide how to use the money. The federal government administers several types of grants designed to accomplish different purposes, such as conducting scientific research, demonstrating a particular theory, or delivering services to a specific population. Examples of these grants include:
- research grants to support investigations aimed at the discovery of facts, revision of accepted theories, or application of new or revised theories;
- demonstration grants to demonstrate or establish the feasibility of a particular theory or approach;
- project grants to support individual projects in accordance with legislation that gives the funding agency discretion in selecting the project, grantees, and amount of award;
- block grants to provide states with funding for a particular purpose; and
- formula grants to provide funding to specified grantees on the basis of a specific formula, using indicators such as per capita income, mortality, or morbidity rates, outlined in legislation or regulations.
Unique Entity ID. All organizations applying for a federal grants or cooperative agreements must have a Unique Entity ID, formerly called a DUNS number. Visit SAM.gov for more information.
In addition to federal funding, state and local agencies also administer grants. Monies used to support these programs are obtained primarily through state and local tax revenues and funds received from the federal government (e.g., block and formula grants).
Private Funding
Private funding can be obtained from a variety of sources, such as foundations, corporations, voluntary agencies and community groups. For the most part, philanthropic organizations fund programs which either address their individual interests (e.g., farm safety) or benefit a particular group (e.g., company employees and their dependents). Examples of major types of philanthropic organizations include:
- private foundations which receive income from an individual, family or group of individuals. The funding priorities of private foundations are usually based on the personal philosophies of the founding members.
- corporate foundations which receive contributions from a profit-making entity, such as a corporation.
- community foundations involved in grant giving within a specific community or region.
- direct giving programs philanthropic arms of corporations which donate goods and services for charitable causes.
- voluntary agencies private organizations which support charitable programs that are consistent with their overall mission. The American Red Cross, for example, provides printed materials and staff consultation for health projects in various communities.
- community groups local organizations which focus on supporting projects within their communities. Examples of these organizations include churches, Junior Leagues, and civic organizations.
How Can I Obtain Funding?
Regardless of the type of funding desired, the grantsmanship process involves three distinct phases: preliminary planning and research, effective proposal writing, and proposal follow-up.
The grantseeker should consider the following steps and questions to successfully complete the phases in the funding process.
Step 1: Identify a need
Step 2: Identify funding sources
Step 3: Develop proposal
Step 4: Submit proposal
Step 5: Follow-up
- What is the problem?
- How does my plan address the problem?
- Who should I approach for funding?
- How do I obtain information about potential funders?
- What are the goals and objectives of the program?
- How will the program be carried out?
- How will I budget the program?
- What type of proposal format should be used? (e.g., forms or letters)
- Am I consistent with the funder's application deadlines?
- Am I sending the proposal to the appropriate contact?
- Was the proposal accepted?
- If not, why?
- Should I submit a revised proposal?
Although not exhaustive, these steps provide a general "game plan" for individuals embarking on a grant search. By following these guidelines, grantseekers can prepare a more effective funding strategy and increase their overall chances for success.
How Do I Get Started?
Perhaps the hardest part of the grantsmanship process is getting started. With this in mind, the following checklist has been developed to help grantseekers get off on the right track.
- Become familiar with the grantsmanship process
- If you are a first time grantseeker, you may wish to attend a grant writing workshop or team up with an experienced fund raiser.
- In addition, you may also wish to hire a professional consultant for proposal guidance and development.
- Check your local library
- Several libraries have sections related to grantsmanship and funding resources. If your local library does not have a copy of a book or periodical mentioned in this publication, they should be able to obtain a copy through interlibrary loan.
- Check for library publications on your computer or mobile device through WorldCat.
- Check the funding sources in your own back yard
- Often times grantseekers approach the larger, national foundations for projects which may be more attractive to local, community funders. Remember, national funders support projects which have a broad impact, while smaller funders support those which affect their own community. Be sure to consider this when beginning your search.
- Contact associations and members of organizations that are related to your field of interest. They might be able to offer suggestions for the best place to begin your funding search.
- Pursue several potential funders
- Be sure to identify several potential funders when conducting your search. The odds of a successful search are greater when you approach a variety of funders.
- Maintain a journal of what organizations you have contacted and when. Each grant program will probably have a different set of deadlines, so it is helpful to have a master list.
- Check with us
- The staff of the Rural Information Center may be able to direct you to potential funding sources. Use our online form or chat to request assistance.
Funding Resources
Below, find links to searchable databases that offer funding opportunities from government and/or private sources that are available to local governments, community organizations, and individuals. Funding may sometimes be found through grant awardees.
Locate full-text online guides and tips to assist grant writers prepare successful proposals.
For additional information, contact us using our online form or chat.
Federal Databases
- Grants.gov is the online clearinghouse database for all federal funding.
- SAM.gov Database on rural funding programs contains information on Contract Opportunities, Contract Data, Wage Determination, Assistance Listings, Entity Information, Entity Reporting, and Federal Heirarchy.
Private Funding Databases
- Community Foundations Locator [cof.org]. Council On Foundations.
- GuideStar [guidestar.org] allows you to U.S. nonprofits by subject, category, keyword, state, nonprofit type, etc. to identify local or state organizations.
- The Foundation Center.
- Foundation Directory Online [foundationcenter.org]
- Grant Space: Knowledge Base [candid.org]. User can select multiple funding categories from drop down menu including Corporate Giving [candid.org], Starting a Nonprofit [candid.org], and more.
- Idealist.org allows you to "search more than 40,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 165 counties" by city, state, keyword, etc.
- Tax Exempt Organization Search [IRS.gov]. Internal Revenue Service. Find information about an organization's tax-exempt status and filings. You can use the online search tool or download specific data sets.
Foundation Databases/Directories by State
- National Council of Non-Profits - Find Your State Association [councilofnonprofits.org]
- State Grant Resources [tgci.com]. The Grantsmanship Center.
- CO: Financial Assistance [colorado.gov]. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.
- DE: Philanthropy Delaware [philanthropydelaware.org]. Formerly, Delaware Grantmaker's Association.
- MD: Charitable Organizations Division [maryland.gov]. Maryland Office of the Secretary of State.
- NH: Charitable Trusts Unit [nh.gov]. New Hampshire Department of Justice.
- NJ: Charities Registration Section (Database) [nj.us]. Office of the Attorney General. Division of Consumer Affairs.
- OK: Oklahoma Charities/Fundraisers/Solicitors Search [ok.gov]. Oklahoma Secretary of State.
- SC: South Carolina Grants Research Assistance [sc.gov]. South Carolina State Library.
- SD: South Dakota Library [sd.gov]. South Dakota State Library. Select Grant Opportunities from menu.
- VA: Charitable Organization Database [virginia.gov]. Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.
- WA: Charities Database [wa.gov]. Washington Secretary of State Charities Program Division.
Guides and Directories
- Crowdfunding. [loc.gov] Small Business Financing: A Resource Guide. Library of Congress Research Guide.
- Directory of Research Grants 2018 [worldcat.org]. 44th Edition. Louis S. Schafer (Editor). 2021. 925 Pages. West Lafayette, IN: Littleberry Press.
- The Finance and Funding Directory 2017/18 [worldcat.org]. 5th edition. 2016. Jonathan Wooller. Hampshire, UK: Harriman House Ltd.
- Financial Glossary [marketbusinessnews.com]. Market Business News.
- Glossary of Nonprofit Terms [candid.org]. Foundation Directory Online.
Grant Writing Resources
Grant Writing: General Resources
- Anatomy of a Grant Proposal [getedfunding.com]. Discover GetEd Funding. February 2016.
- Introduction to Finding Grants [candid.org]. Free online grant-finding training.
- Funding Alternatives for Emergency Medical and Fire Services [fema.gov]. United States Fire Administration. Emmitsburg, Maryland: U.S. Fire Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency. FA-331/ 2/2012. This is the most recent version of this publication.
- Planning and Writing a Grant Proposal [wisc.edu]. The Writing Center. University of Wisconsin - Madison.
- Introduction to Project Budgets [candid.org]. Free online project-budgeting training.
- Proposal Writing [candid.org]. Free online proposal-writing training (en español).
- What To Do Before You Write A Grant Proposal [kent.edu]. Ohio Literacy Resource Center.
Additional Resource Citations
- Finding funding : Grantwriting from start to finish, including project management and Internet use [worldcat.org]. 5th Edition. Ernest W Brewer; Charles M Achilles. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 2008. 424 pages.
- Library Project Funding: A Guide to Planning and Writing Proposals [worldcat.org]. 1st Edition. Julie Carpenter. Chandos Information Professional Series. Chandos Publishing/Elsevier. 2008. 234 pages.
- Winning Grants Step by Step: the complete workbook for planning, developing, and writing successful proposals [worldcat.org]. 5th Edition. Tori O'Neal-McElrath. Jossey-Bass nonprofit guidebook series. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2019. 139 pages.
Sample Grant Proposals
- Samples: Applications, Attachments, and other Documents [nih.gov]. NIH Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information. National Institute of Health.
- Sample Funded Proposals [uaf.edu). Office of Grants & Contracts Administration. University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Guides for Research Grants
- The Art of Grantsmanship [hfsp.org]. Human Frontier Science Program. Jacob Kraicer.
- Preparing Proposals [nsf.gov]. National Science Foundation.
- Proposal Writer's Guide [umich.edu, PDF, 748 kB). Don Thackrey.

Federal Faith-based Centers and Community Initiatives
Partnerships and Initiatives
- Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships [ed.gov]. U.S. Department of Education.
- Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (Partnership Center) [hhs.gov]. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Faith and Neighborhood Partnerships [usaid.gov]. U.S. Agency for International Development.
- Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships [usda.gov]. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships [hud.gov]. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships [americorps.gov]. AmeriCorps.
- Faith-Based and Community Initiatives [justice.gov]. U.S. Department of Justice.
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