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Digital Commons@PCOM


Browse yearbooks back to 1925 and revisit your college years (missing years are listed - can you fill in?).

Catch up on recent events (Founders Day, Diversity Conference, Annual Research Day).

Explore student scholarship to see the excellence and variety of dissertations, theses, and reviews.

Read College Histories written to commemorate the centennial in 1999 and the 75th anniversary in 1974.

Top 10 Reasons for Using Digital Commons

  1. Let your scholarship help create a vital portrait of the intellectual life of the College.
  2. Join your professional colleagues who are contributing to institutional repositories.
  3. Extend your influence and possible citation counts.
  4. Expand the potential readership for your research.
  5. Enhance the visibility of your contributions to your profession.
  6. Utilize a free archive for your publications, making them available in an easily accessible format.
  7. Have a personal faculty page in the DigitalCommons with your bibliography hyperlinked to full text articles.
  8. Remove the gateways to your published research and make it easy to locate.
  9. Archive your research for future generations.
  10. Support your institution that supports you.

Guide Information

Last Updated: Dec 2, 2024 3:30 PM