APA Handbooks
APA Handbooks are a series of comprehensive examinations of fields and topics of psychology and an excellent place to start for overviews and best practices. Search the PCOM Library Catalog for "APA Handbook" to find handbooks on more specific subjects such as dementia or the psychology of women.
APA handbook of multicultural psychology, Vol. 1: Theory and research. by Leong, F. T. L., Comas-Díaz, L., Nagayama Hall, G. C., McLoyd, V. C., & Trimble, J. E. (Eds.).
ISBN: 1-4338-1255-XPublication Date: 2014The purpose of the two-volume APA Handbook of Multicultural Psychology is to present the best science and best practice within this cross-cutting perspective of psychology. Volume 1, covering theory and research, comprises chapters concerning conceptual and professional issues, ethnic minority research and methods, individual differences, social and developmental process, and community and organizational perspectives.APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 1: Attitudes and Social Cognition by Mario Mikulincer (Editor); Phillip R. Shaver (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433816994Publication Date: 2015-01-01This four-volume handbook summarizes the current state of knowledge on major topics within the fields of personality and social psychology. Volume 1 focuses on attitudes and social cognition, describing the two main directions in which this domain has moved over the past quarter century.APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 2: Group Processes by Mario Mikulincer (Editor); Phillip R. Shaver (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433816994Publication Date: 2015-01-01This four-volume handbook summarizes the current state of knowledge on major topics within the fields of personality and social psychology. Volumes 2 and 3 provide a broad framework to guide theorizing and research with respect to group processes and interpersonal relations in social psychology.APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 3: Interpersonal Relations by Mario Mikulincer (Editor); Phillip R. Shaver (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433816994Publication Date: 2015-01-01This four-volume handbook summarizes the current state of knowledge on major topics within the fields of personality and social psychology. Volumes 2 and 3 provide a broad framework to guide theorizing and research with respect to group processes and interpersonal relations in social psychology.APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 4: Personality Processes and Individual Differences by Mario Mikulincer (Editor); Phillip R. Shaver (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433816994Publication Date: 2015-01-01This four-volume handbook summarizes the current state of knowledge on major topics within the fields of personality and social psychology. Volume 4 contains sections on personality processes and individual differences as well as sections on more holistic approaches, such as The Person in Context and The Person as a Whole.APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology, Volume 1 by Samuel J. Knapp (Editor)
Call Number: BF 76.4 A635 2012 (PA Main Book Collection)ISBN: 9781433810008Publication Date: 2011-09-15The editors of this 2-volume reference propose that ethics is best viewed as a striving toward the highest ethical ideals, not just as an injunction against rule violation--a perspective they refer to as "positive ethics" or "active ethics"--and they encourage psychologists to elevate their ethical observance above the minimal standards found in law and enforceable ethics codes. Against this backdrop, handbook contributors investigate the complexities of ethical behavior in clinical, educational, forensic, health, and "tele-" psychology.APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology by John C. . Norcross (Editor); Donald K. Freedheim (Editor); Gary R. VandenBos (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433821295Publication Date: 2016-08-01The 5-volume APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology reflects the state-of-the-art in clinical psychology -- science, practice, research, and training. The Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of: the history of clinical psychology, specialties and settings, theoretical and research approaches, assessment, treatment and prevention, psychological disorders, health and relational disorders, health promotion, educational paths, psychologists' development, ethics and standards, professional organizations, and future directions of clinical psychology.
Clinical Psychology Books
Behavioral Medicine a Guide for Clinical Practice 5th Edition by Mitchell D. Feldman; John F. Christensen
ISBN: 9781260142686Publication Date: 2019-11-29The #1 guide to behavioral issues in medicine delivering thorough, practical discussion of the full scope of the physician-patient relationship "This is an extraordinarily thorough, useful book. It manages to summarize numerous topics, many of which are not a part of a traditional medical curriculum, in concise, relevant chapters."--Doody's Review Service - 5 stars, reviewing an earlier editionClinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders by David H. Barlow (Editor)
ISBN: 9781462547050Publication Date: 2021-06-04Now in a revised and expanded sixth edition, this is the leading text on evidence-based treatments for frequently encountered mental health problems. David H. Barlow has assembled preeminent experts to present their respective approaches in step-by-step detail, including extended case examples. Each chapter provides state-of-the-art information on the disorder at hand, explains the conceptual and empirical bases of intervention, and addresses the most pressing question asked by students and practitioners--"How do I do it?" Concise chapter introductions from Barlow highlight the unique features of each treatment and enhance the book's utility for teaching and training. New to This Edition *Existing chapters thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest empirical findings and clinical practices. *Chapter on "process-based therapy," a new third-wave approach for social anxiety. *Chapter on transdiagnostic treatment of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors. *Chapter on chronic pain.Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents by Robert D. Friedberg; Jessica M. McClure
ISBN: 9781462519811Publication Date: 2015-04-20Widely regarded as the definitive practitioner reference and teaching text, this book provides a complete introduction to doing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with 6- to 18-year-olds.EPPP Fundamentals Review Guide, Step One by Anne Klee; Bret A. Moore
ISBN: 9780826188243Publication Date: 2018-08-01Aimed at helping students master the final hurdle to becoming a licensed, certified psychologist, the second edition of this authoritative content review for the EPPP is expanded to include 20% more content, the DSM-5, contributions from esteemed new authors, and an easily navigable mobile APP to enhance test-taking skills. Additional practice questions, along with well-honed test-taking strategies, further facilitate exam success.Integrated Care by Lori E. Raney (Editor)
ISBN: 9781585624805Publication Date: 2014-09-29The goals of Integrated Care: Working at the Interface of Primary Care and Behavioral Health are to educate psychiatrists about the fundamental shift underway in health care and to prepare them to be successful and effective in the new health care arena.
DSM Collection
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5-TR by American Psychiatric Association
ISBN: 9780890425763Publication Date: 2022-03-18The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) features the most current text updates based on scientific literature with contributions from more than 200 subject matter experts.DSM-5 Essentials: The Savvy Clinician's Guide to the Changes in Criteria by Lourie W. Reichenberg
ISBN: 9781118846131Publication Date: 2013-11-13Everything you need to know about the DSM-5 in an organized and concise presentation Providing you with a quick and easy way to get up-to-speed on recent changes to the two main classification systems--DSM-5 Essentials highlights these changes in a logical and systematic manner so that you can easily make the transition from DSM-IV to DSM-5.DSM-5® Clinical Cases by John W. Barnhill (Editor)
ISBN: 9781585629978Publication Date: 2013-11-08DSM-5 Clinical Cases presents patient cases that exemplify the mental disorders categorized in the newly released DSM-5, bringing DSM-5 alive for teachers and students of psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, and related mental health and healthcare fields. Cases are cross-referenced with DSM-5 and help the reader understand diagnostic concepts, including symptoms, severity, comorbidities, age of onset and development, dimensionality across disorders, and gender and cultural implications.DSM-5® Guidebook by Donald W. Black; Jon E. Grant
ISBN: 9781585625321Publication Date: 2014-02-01DSM-5 Guidebook: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition is a user-friendly, supplementary guide for psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health practitioners who need to know how DSM-5 differs from its predecessor in terms of organizational structure, diagnostic categories, and the criteria themselves.DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis by Michael B. First
ISBN: 9781585624621Publication Date: 2013-11-19The DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis is the preeminent guide to differential diagnosis for both clinicians and students learning psychiatric diagnosis. Based closely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, it offers a rich selection of perspectives in an easy-to-use format.DSM-5® Made Easy:The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis by James Morrison
ISBN: 9781462515431Publication Date: 2014-04-28As a companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5T), the DSM-5T Guidebook serves two critical functions. First, it acts as a guide for busy clinicians in need of practical information on the use of diagnostic criteria and codes, documentation, and compensation. Second, it serves as an educational text and includes a structured curriculum that facilitates its use in courses and workshops.Study Guide to DSM-5 by Laura Weiss Roberts (Editor); Alan K. Louie (Editor)
ISBN: 9781585625420Publication Date: 2014-12-04The Study Guide to DSM-5T is an indispensable instructional supplement to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. The Study Guide is intended to assist readers in understanding diagnostic criteria and concepts from DSM-5T, as well as how to apply them. Diagnostic categories are made straightforward with learning objectives, an overview narrative, diagnostic pearls, and summary discussion.
School Psychology Books
Effective School Interventions by Matthew K. Burns; T. Chris Riley-Tillman; Natalie Rathvon
ISBN: 9781462531509Publication Date: 2017-08-16This indispensable course text and practitioner resource, now fully revised, has helped tens of thousands of readers implement evidence-based interventions to improve students' academic achievement and behavior in PreK-12. The volume presents best-practice guidelines and step-by-step procedures for 83 interventions that can easily be implemented by teachers and other school-based professionals.Single Case Research Methodology by Jennifer R. Ledford (Editor); David L. Gast (Editor)
ISBN: 9781351366854Publication Date: 2018-01-19Single Case Research Methodology, 3rd Edition presents a thorough, technically sound, user-friendly, and comprehensive discussion of single case research methodology. This book can serve as a detailed and complex reference tool for students, researchers, and practitioners who intend to conduct single case research design studies; interpret findings of single case design studies; or write proposals, manuscripts, or reviews of single case methodology research. The authors present a variety of single case research studies with a wide range of participants, including preschoolers, K-12 students, university students, and adults in a variety of childcare, school, clinical, and community settings, making the book relevant across multiple disciplines in social, educational, and behavioral science including special and general education; school, child, clinical, and neuropsychology; speech, occupational, recreation, and physical therapy; and social work.
Testing and Assessment Books
APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology, Vol. 1: Test theory and testing and assessment in industrial and organizational psychology. by Kurt F. Geisinger (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433812279Publication Date: 2013-02-01This three-volume handbook is a comprehensive presentation of the theory and application of tests in psychology and education. It begins with an in-depth portrayal of psychometrics: the quantitative underpinning of testing. It then provides thorough, up-to-date and informative chapters related to five general application areas of testing: industrial/organizational psychology clinical psychology (including health psychology) counseling psychology school psychology educational testing In each of these five areas, this handbook is probably the most comprehensive review of the use of testing and assessment in the subfield.APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology, Vol. 2: Testing and assessment in clinical and counseling psychology. by Kurt F. Geisinger (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433812279Publication Date: 2013-02-01APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology. Vol. 3 : testing and assessment in school psychology and education by Kurt F. Geisinger (Editor)
ISBN: 9781433812279Publication Date: 2013-02-01Diagnostic and Behavioral Assessment in Children and Adolescents by Bryce D. McLeod (Editor); Amanda Jensen-Doss (Editor); Thomas H. Ollendick (Editor); Amanda Jensen-Doss (Editor)
ISBN: 9781462508624Publication Date: 2013-07-12This comprehensive volume shows how to use both diagnostic and behavioral assessment knowledgeably and effectively throughout the process of treatment. The two traditions have developed along separate paths--each with its own conceptual underpinnings and psychometric strengths. Used together, they can produce a complete picture of a child's or adolescent's needs and strengths. The expert editors and contributors describe the full range of evidence-based assessment tools and illustrate their application with two intake-to-termination case examples, both based on DSM-5.Essentials of ADHD Assessment for Children and Adolescents by Elizabeth P. Sparrow; Drew Erhardt; Alan S. Kaufman (Series edited by); Nadeen L. Kaufman (Series edited by)
ISBN: 9781118418949Publication Date: 2014-03-10A comprehensive approach to accurate ADHD diagnosis In Essentials of ADHD Assessment in Children and Adolescents, the authors provide a clear and informative road map for practitioners seeking to conduct state-of-the-art assessments for one of the most common disorders of childhood.Essentials of WPPSI-IV Assessment by Susan Engi Raiford; Diane L. Coalson
ISBN: 9781118705407Publication Date: 2014-04-11In Essentials of WPPSI-IV Assessment, the research directors who developed the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Fourth Edition offer an insider's perspective on its conceptualization, development, administration, and scoring.The First Interview by James Morrison
ISBN: 9781462515615Publication Date: 2014-04-29Morrison provides a complete framework for interviewing adult patients about their current symptoms, personal and family history, mental status, behavioral risks, and other relevant issues. He offers guidance for selecting the best strategy for any clinical situation, building rapport, overcoming common challenges, and communicating findings.Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders by Martin M. Antony (Editor); David H. Barlow (Editor)
Call Number: WM 141 H2357 2010ISBN: 9781462543557Publication Date: 2020-07-23This authoritative clinical reference and text--now revised and updated with 50% new content--presents the assessment tools and strategies that every evidence-based psychotherapy practitioner needs. Unlike most assessment texts, the volume is organized around specific clinical problems.Handbook of Psychological Assessment (Sixth Edition) by Gary Groth-Marnat; A. Jordan Wright
ISBN: 9781118960653Publication Date: 2016-03-28Groth-Marnat's Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Sixth Edition covers principles of assessment, evaluation, referral, treatment planning, and report writing. Written in a practical, skills-based manner, the Sixth Edition provides guidance on the most efficient methods for selecting and administering tests, interpreting assessment data, how to integrate test scores and develop treatment plans as well as instruction on ways to write effective, client-oriented psychological reports.
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Last Updated: Dec 2, 2024 6:15 PM
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