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RefWorks - Writing your Paper with In-Text Citations

The purpose of this guide is to introduce researchers to the wonderful world of RefWorks!

RefWorks in Microsoft Word and Google Docs

RefWorks has tools to integrate your citations while writing your paper. Using these add-ons, you can insert citations from your RefWorks library while you're writing, with your bibliography and in-text citations automatically updating as you write your paper. RefWorks has an option for Microsoft Word and an option for Google Docs:

Microsoft Word

  • Citation Manager: In Microsoft Word, click on the Insert tab and then the Store icon. Search for RefWorks and then Add the free add-on. Citation Manager is recommended for Mac users and works like the Google Docs add-on.

Google Docs

  • RefWorks Add-On: Click "Get Add-on" in Google Docs or go to the Tools page in RefWorks for the link.

Creating a Bibliography

You can easily create a bibliography from the All Documents area, any collection, or your search results list.

Navigate to the collection you want to use, to the All Documents area, or run a search and select items) and click the Create bibliography icon RefWorks create bibliography icon

You can choose to create a bibliography for selected references or for all of the reference in the collection (or in All Documents if that's the view you are in).

Next, search for your output style and select it.  Your formatted bibliography will be displayed in your browser for you to copy and paste into any word processing software.

Guide Information

Last Updated: Sep 4, 2024 2:22 PM